Minggu, 01 November 2009

[Tanya] Ada yang tau berapa budget yang dibutuhkan untuk tinggal selama kurang lebih 1 minggu di Singapore? Sekalian sama info-info lainnya kalo bisa... sankyuu...

9 komentar:

  1. jiah.... sudah 3 comment tp kagak ada yg tau... :(

  2. Tanya mbk yudith ato mbk wayanlessy mereka tinggal di singapore. Jd kontak mereka gak?

  3. singapore katanya sih sekitar 2-3 kali malaysia cost-nya...
    klo di malaysia seminggu bisa ngabisin 500 ringgit (hotel, makan, ++), berarti di Singapore bisa 1000-1500 ringgit (2.7 - 4 juta)

    btw, di http://wikitravel.org/en/Singapore lumayan lengkap infonya


    $50 is a perfectly serviceable daily backpacker budget if you are willing to cut some corners, though you would probably wish to double that for comfort. Food in particular is a steal, with excellent hawker food available for under $5 for a generous serving. Accommodation is a little pricier, but a bed in a hostel can cost less than $20, an average 3-4 star hotel in the city centre would typically cost anywhere from $100-$300 per night for a basic room, and the most luxurious hotels on the island (except maybe the Raffles) can be yours for $300 with the right discounts during the off-peak season.

  4. wuihhhh... syukron atas infonya akh... membantu sangat... :)

  5. kayaknya belum...
    okay nanti saya tanya.. syukron infonya...
